Upptäck Paris
Få ut mesta möjliga av din citytrip och köp dina rabatterade biljetter på Ticketbar

Ticketbar brings you the most exciting cultural attractions of Paris! Make your stay in the city of love worthwhile with a visit to one of the many top attractions. Explore the city with the Hop On Hop Off bus, a bike tour or one of our city tours. Explore the Louvre and its famous collections, which include The Wedding at Cana and the Mona Lisa, or climb to the top of the Eiffel Tower and gaze at Paris below. Discover the glorious palace of Versailles of reconnect with your inner child at Disneyland. No matter what you decide upon you can be sure that with Ticketbar you will be given the chance to avail of discounts, group offers and the option to skip the line at all the major attractions!